Mac Baren Black Ambrosia Pipe Tobacco
Black Ambrosia is blended mainly with pure Virginias, which have been carefully roasted to bring out the tasty and sweet Cavendish. To this Cavendish, Mac Baren has added some very special yellow Virginia tobaccos to give the blend a beautiful contrast. Enjoy the exciting taste and sweet aroma.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $18.25 USD
Mac Baren Dark Twist Pipe Tobacco
A full roll cake tobacco for special moments, Dark Twist is round in taste and quite
characteristic. The specially spiced, dark Cavendish ensures its pleasant
taste and harmoniously matches the choice Virginia tobacco.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $28.40 USD |
Mac Baren HH Balkan Blend Pipe Tobacco
HH Balkan Blend is comprised of choice Virginias, Burleys, Orientals, and Cyprian Latakia. This English blend shares smoky and spicy notes from the Latakia and Oriental tobaccos.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren HH Bold Kentucky Pipe Tobacco
HH Bold Kentucky contains an ample amount of the finest dark-fired Kentuckys from the USA and Africa combined with Bright Virginias to soften the taste a tad. The taste is of earthiness with just a touch of sweetness from the leaf itself and the hot press, which brings the different tobaccos together.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren HH Burley Flake Pipe Tobacco
Mac Baren's HH Burley Flake is a classic blend using ripe Virginias and a touch of dark-fired Kentucky to complement a Burley base. It's a pleasant and mellow smoke with a woodsy taste.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake Pipe Tobacco
Latakia is front and center with Virginias offering a bit of sweetness, Orientals adding spiciness, and the Burleys provides nut and earth components. The blend is hot-pressed to marry the flavors and add complexity.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired Pipe Tobacco
A bold blend of dark-fired Burleys and flue cured Virginias, this flake is hot pressed to develop a bolder tobacco. The robust, earthy flavor of the Burleys takes center stage for a very satisfying smoke.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia Pipe Tobacco
Pure flue cured Virginias are all you'll find in this thin-cut flake as the name implies. Made without any topping and only a minimal casing, you'll enjoy a natural sweetness and purely Virginia smoking experience.
Size: 50 Gram (1.75 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.90 USD |
Mac Baren Mixture Modern Pipe Tobacco
Mixture Modern is a blend of the traditional
Cavendish and a larger proportion of Mac Baren's mild Cavendish. Where
the mild Cavendish imparts sweetness and lightness to the blend, the
traditional Cavendish adds an intriguing depth. Mixture Modern contains a mixture of loose cut and ready-rubbed tobaccos.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $18.25 USD |
Mac Baren Mixture Scottish Blend Pipe Tobacco
A mild and lightly aromatic Scottish Blend, Mixture combines ready-rubbed, matured Virginia tobaccos with golden brown Burley grades,
Cavendish, and loose, ripe Virginia.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $18.25 USD
Mac Baren Navy Flake Pipe Tobacco
Select Burleys, Virginias, and Mac Baren's original Cavendish are blended, pressed, and then stored for weeks before sliced. Navy Flake is a very enjoyable cool and slow burning blend.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $28.40 USD
Mac Baren Original Choice Pipe Tobacco
Original Choice is a delicate blend of Virginia tobaccos from North Carolina, Burley from Tennessee, and Mac Baren's own modern Cavendish that offers a sweet, rounded, and exciting taste with a delicious aroma and no tongue bite.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $18.25 USD
Mac Baren Plumcake Pipe Tobacco
Plumcake is a Navy blend with a mixture of fully ripe Virginia tobaccos, sliced, cask-mellowed Burley tobaccos, and dark, spicy Cavendish. To give this
blend an elegant aroma, Plumcake has been flavored with aged Jamaica
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $18.25 USD |
Mac Baren 7 Seas Black Blend Pipe Tobacco
As with Mac Baren's other 7 Seas tobaccos, Black Blend is made using
American tobacco blending traditions to produce a flavorful aromatic
blend with a velvety feel and no bite. Black Blend is a loose ribbon
cut of a Virginia tobacco blend toasted to a deep black. The flavorful
Black Blend trends toward the sweet side with subtle notes of vanilla
and amaretto.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.65 USD |
Mac Baren 7 Seas Gold Blend Pipe Tobacco
Mac Baren's 7 Seas Gold Blend is a bright and aromatic blend with
Virginias and Burleys in perfect combination. The smoke has a gentle
light and sweetness with notes of soft creamy vanilla. Mac Baren's
7 Seas tobaccos are American-style aromatics with a velvety feel,
no tongue bite, and a huge amount of flavor.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $16.65 USD
Mac Baren 7 Seas Red Blend Pipe Tobacco
Mac Baren's 7 Seas Red Blend pipe tobacco uses sweet, rich golden
Virginias, brown Burleys,
and a touch of Black Cavendish. It's a mild aromatic blend with a flavorful
taste of wild cherries - slightly tart and not too sweet.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $16.65 USD
Mac Baren 7 Seas Regular Blend Pipe Tobacco
Mac Baren's 7 Seas Regular Blend is an aromatic blend of golden Virginias,
light brown Burleys, and Black Cavendish. A sweet and light taste
with a foundation of vanilla and notes of rich chocolate will greet
you upon lighting. Mac Baren's 7 Seas tobaccos are American-style
aromatics with a velvety feel, no tongue bite, and a huge amount of
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $16.65 USD
Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Blend Pipe Tobacco
Enjoy the beautiful color match of Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Blend's
golden Virginias, light brown Burleys, and a touch of Black Cavendish.
Upon lighting, you will be met by a gentle sweetness, a base of vanilla,
notes of mild and sweet honey, and a faint fruit overtone. Mac Baren's
7 Seas tobaccos are American-style aromatics with a velvety feel,
no tongue bite, and a huge amount of flavor.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $16.65 USD |
Mac Baren Symphony Pipe Tobacco
Symphony is a harmonious blend dominated by select Burley enhanced with nuanced portions of Virginia and Mac Baren's original Cavendish tobaccos ~ ready-rubbed to deliver a light, sweet taste with a hint of chocolate derived from the Burley.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $18.25 USD
Mac Baren Vanilla Pipe Tobacco
Mac Baren Vanilla is a traditional spun-cut roll cake comprised of Virginias and Black Cavendish with a gentle note of natural vanilla that enhances the flavors of high quality, hand-selected tobaccos. This medium-bodied "light" aromatic is smooth and creamy with a delightful room note.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $28.40 USD
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Pipe Tobacco
Vanilla Cream is a colorful blend mixed with cut plugs. Manufactured
from specially selected and aged Virginia and mild black Cavendish
tobaccos it is then blended with an exceptional vanilla flavor. This
selection creates an outstanding blend with superior flavor, unique
aroma, and distinctive taste experience.
Size: 100 Gram (3.5 Oz.) Tin
Packaging: Tin
Availability: In Stock Price: $18.25 USD